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来源:今日招聘 | 发布时间:2023-04-15 06:51:26 |  访问:1066

来源︱Columbia University - Depts. of Pathology & Cell Biology and Neurology

责编︱王思珍,方以一A position is available for a postdoctoral scientist in the lab of George Mentis (www.mentislab.org), at the Center for Motor Neuron Biology and Disease (MNC) at Columbia University, New York, USA.We seek a motivated, independent but team-oriented postdoctoral scientist with experience in physiology and neuronal circuits. The successful candidate will build on a recent publication from the Mentis Lab (Chalif et al,Cell,?2022, 185:328-344) and study the molecular, cellular and neuronal circuit mechanisms involved in locomotor behavior using transgenic mice. The study will involve a multidisciplinary approach, involving mouse genetics, behavioral?in vivo?assays, physiological techniques (including patch clamp and EMG recordings), viral-based neural circuit mapping and anatomical investigations using confocal microscopy. Candidates with a recent PhD (or at the late stage of their PhD) in Neuroscience or Physiology with a strong training in physiological approaches are strongly encouraged to apply.Interested candidates should email a cover letter indicating research interests and experience, a CV and contact details of two referees to Dr. George Mentis (gzmentis@columbia.edu).The Motor Neuron Center (MNC) at Columbia University (http://www.columbiamnc.org/) brings together over 40 basic and clinical research groups working on different aspects of motor neuron biology and disease. One of the strengths of the MNC is a membership housed in multiple departments throughout all three Columbia campuses. This allows bringing together the incredible depth of highly relevant and complementary expertise of many Columbia scientists to facilitate breakthroughs in the field of spinal control of movement.Columbia University takes affirmative action to ensure equal opportunity.人才招聘精选【1】上海交通大学松江研究院李亚东课题组招聘启事【2】人才招聘︱多伦多大学大学招聘动物神经生理学与行为学助理教授【3】人才招聘︱美国贝勒医学院招聘神经系统研究博士后【4】人才招聘︱美国贝勒医学院招聘脑细胞异质性与脑回路组织研究博士后【5】“ 逻辑神经科学 ”招聘市场-商务部负责人和专员(公办时间、地点灵活)【6】人才招聘︱山东第一医科大学邹桂昌课题组招聘博士后/科研助理【7】美国贝勒医学院Qi Wu实验室招聘博士后:神经科学、代谢、神经精神病学和代谢疾病【8】广东省衰老相关心脑疾病重点实验室神经退行性疾病防治科研团队诚聘博士后、科研助理【9】人才招聘︱明尼苏达大学双城分校Wensheng Lin课题组招聘博后【10】人才招聘︱比利时佛兰德斯生物技术研究所(VIB)招聘博后:神经免疫学/或神经炎症学?目前逻辑神经科学为广大科研工作者和企业免费刊登招聘信息,欢迎垂询!欢迎扫码加入逻辑神经科学:人才招聘2扫码添加微信,并备注:逻辑-招聘-姓名-单位-研究领域-学位/职称



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